Why CamerLogistics

We work professionally


Camerlogistics undertakes to provide its clients with the information provided in response to a service request and of course the quote will be respected until the service is produced.


Thanks to the competence of our staff and our reliable partners, the service provided by CamerLogistics is of the highest quality, as it complies with the international trade law prescribed by the World Trade Organization.


Depending on the choice of transport means, CamerLogistics guides you through the time frame when your goods will be delivered...


Quoi de neuf ?


A nos jours, la vente en ligne dans le monde a réduit les émissions en CO2. Puisque vous pouvez être à Douala et commandez une marchandise à Tokyo, ceci augmente naturellement la consommation. Ainsi, CAMERLOGISTICS Read more…

Un partenaire sûre

Across the world, CamerLogistics has partners from purchase to delivery of your order in real time. You needed an agricultural machine in Shanghai and want to have it in Conakry, contact CamerLogistics: logistic@camerlogsitics.com

Structure en Logistique

Vous voulez investir dans la logistique et mettre une place une compagnie solide et durable, CamerLogistics vous accompagne: formation rapide du personnel mise en place d’un service de gestion fourniture équipements modernes de logistique suivie Read more…


eMail: logistic@camerlogistics.com

Find us at the office

  CamerLogistics C/O MTA Business

  Großkopfstrasse 6/7

  13403 Berlin-Germany

Give us a ring

Tel.:+49 (030) 81 30 68 18

Fax: +49 (030) 96 08 99 97

Whp- phone: +49(0)1621752219

Contactez nous ici !!!